07495 796250


I have worked in the Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) market for over 20 years.
As an area sales manager with Aearo Technologies Ltd I acquired expertise and knowledge in eyewear , passive and electronic hearing protection, as well as communication devices. This role also put a large emphasise on Hearing Conservation Training for customers. This role also required noise assessments to be carried out regularly with a variety of customers from different industry’s.
I was also employed as a Hearing Conservation Specialist for 3M UK , with responsibilities for group of the same products I did in Aearo along with Detection Measuring Instruments and Ear Fit Validation .
From this I moved to Alpha Solway with responsibility for promoting their disposable range of respiratory protective equipment , together with conducting Train the Tester Fit test training with a variety of end user accounts .
More recently I worked at Cirrus Research PLC promoting their range of noise monitoring and measuring devices together with conducting noise assessments with clients.