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Assign Safety Solutions Ltd provide a variety of safety related
services and training sessions including the following:
Noise Surveys


These are carried out as part of the Noise at Work regulations 2005 . Data and details recorded can help establish if there is a risk to personnel in the workplace or not and raise the opportunity to document action points where necessary.

Facefit Testing


When  RPE is used, it needs to provide  adequate protection for the wearer. All tight-fitting facepieces need to fit the wearer’s face to be effective., fit testing allows us to establish the mask chosen will offer suitable fit.

Noise Meters and Instruments
Hearing Conservation


Once noise levels are understood within the working environment and dependent on  the action levels reached , then potentially Hearing Protection may be offered as PPE to individuals. It is important that the HPE provides sufficient protection without over protecting and that staff are made fully aware on the care , fitting and limitations .

Facefit Training the Tester


This services allows companies the ability to perform their own fit testing in house once several key members of staff have completed and passed the Train the Tester course which gives them a level of competency utilising the qualitative fit test method.

Safety Training and Advice
Fully Fit 2 Fit Accreditation

Assign Safety Solutions Ltd are Fully Fit 2 Fit Accredited in both Qualitative ( taste test Method ) & Quantitative ( Ambient Particle Count Method) .

Site visits along with half/ full day rates available on request.


© 2019 Assign Safety Solutions Ltd    Registered in England No. 11698715

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